If you are relocating to Charlottesville VA with pets, you will have some very specific features that your new property will be required to possess.
I currently am working with a client who shows and breeds dogs. She has some very particular needs that a property must have to make it work for her. To begin with since she has 11 dogs we need to find a home that is not in a subdivision with covenants and restrictions. Also the placement of the home on the land is crucial. Since she wants to add an attached dog room which leads into runs, we have to make sure that the land will allow this and also that the dog runs will not be too close to neighboring homes.
Not everyone who has dogs breeds or has 11 dogs, but most pet owners want to have a home where they are free to enjoy their pets. It is important if you are considering a purchase in a subdivision to read carefully for any restrictions on pets. There may be a cap on the number of pets allowed, the kinds of pets that you may have and also the type and placement of any fencing.
You will find that it is helpful to have a real estate agent who is familiar not only with the real estate market, but also with the requirements of pet owners. Afterall these pets are important members of your family. I specialize not only in Charlottesville VA horse farms and country homes, but also pet friendly real estate is an area of focus.
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